Vibrato is a musical effect consisting of a regular pulsating change of pitch; think that wobbling sound that Divas like Celine Dion and Whitney Houston make when they are sing and hold that big note at the climax of one of their songs.
1 Open the back of your throat. You can do this by yawning. Try to keep that feeling in your mouth while you sing.
2 Relax your muscles completely, if you do not relaxed than it will be harder for you to get a vibrato.
3Remeber to incorporate all the techniques that good singers do;
- Sing with your diaphragm.
- Breath correctly
- Relaxed posture
- Hydrated Vocal chords.
4.Now sing any note but lets say for example a C
5.Next sing the note, or tone, below or above it ie a B or a D if you started on a C
6. Slowly alternate between the two notes, going backwards and forwards between them.
7.As you gain confidence speed up the alternations between the notes.
8. Congratulations You should be singing a note with vibrato!
Watch vocal coach to the stars Brett Manning explain, and show you what vibrato is. He also gives some excellent tips on how to achieve it.
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